Friday, November 6, 2015

Character Building

This week was a character building week. At the community pitch, there were some people whom you could tell didn't quite want to to be seen as a feminist or have their picture taken. Then, that evening and into this morning I had a twitter debate about "meninism" and what it stands for. With all this in mind, it made me scared for the day of the girl. I don't want to make a fool of myself by spreading awareness of a movement, but at the same time, that cowardliness is what I'm trying to fix. So often women feel incompetent and aren't willing to stand up for what they believe. If I were to bow out, I would just emphasis that feeling. I am going to find people who don't agree with me, and I can try  my hardest to try and change that, but some are so stubborn, they won't even think about changing. Women need to know that they are strong, and defending an opinion doesn't make them annoying, or whiny, it makes them strong. If no women had ever stood up for what they believed, we would still be objectified, and owned by males. We wouldn't be able to vote, and we would all still be wearing skirts. Feminism has come a long way, but we are still far from equality. While it is not quite as visible with individuals, the institutionalization of sexism can be blatantly seen with sex trafficking and the necessity of laws such as Title IX.

I have to support this through and through. I will not back down. Without strong women, the movement would be nothing. I may be opinionated, but I am well informed, and that's what this movement needs. People won't take anyones opinion seriously unless they are well informed, and even some won't take informed people seriously.

I could write about this for years and years, as I am beginning to feel how passionate I am about this. This is the thing though. These are the points I want to get across:

-Feminism is not a joke
-Feminism supports both male and female rights, and there is a movement to eliminate the amendment stating that females are guaranteed parental custody, started by feminist.
-If I were to back down, I would be opening a door for people to continue to see women as weak
-Feminism is a unified movement, and while there are different types of feminists, anyone and everyone can be a feminist
-Feminism supports equality all people, any race, any gender, any sex, any sexual orientation, any religion.
-While conversation isn't always the most fun, it is the only way to get people to think about the issues at hand
-Silence is never the answer.

Peace and Love,


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