Thursday, October 22, 2015

Busy Busy Busy

With the end of the quarter a few weeks back, I'm starting to really see how much I have to do and I see the due date of the community pitch fast-approaching. Unfortunately, this is the busiest time of year for me, with golf post-season leaving me missing multiple days of school a week, and I am really having to scramble. This week I was able to start story-boarding my video and collect interviewees. Also, I have been in contact with school administration to try and get a date on the calendar. I am much further behind than I thought, and I kind of feel like I am swimming in to-do lists and sticky notes. I am hoping to get a speaker picked out and contacted within the next week or two, and begin filming the video.

Hopefully, by the end of next week I will be almost fully caught up and ready to move forward, considering the main obstacle I'm facing is my own time. The good thing is I have finished all my college applications and can officially relax and start to focus my time more on this project.

With all this in mind, I hope you all can learn from my mistakes, and plan ahead, so you aren't left swimming in post-it notes like me.

Sunday, October 11, 2015


This week in class we talked about Social Media, and its impacts on people. Being an avid social media user, I really enjoyed the lessons. Something that I connected to was the idea of Social Media only showing the best parts of peoples lives. So often people just gloat about where they are, who they're with, what they've done, etc. This leaves people comparing them whole selves to only the best part of other people. This is what the #WeAreAllUncool Campaign is all about. The #WeAreAllUncool campaign wants to put stereotypes and make people more confident in themselves. Here is my #WeAreAllUncool post:)

1) When I was 5 I decided to stuck a bead up my noise and almost had to go to the hospital. 
2) When I was in 8th Grade I was obsessed with Justin Bieber and actually thought I was going to marry him.
3) I have the tastebuds of a small child.