Friday, April 22, 2016


Well it is my last month of High School, and I am 900% ready to be done. The more time I spend at school, the less willing I am to be here. I have all these things coming up. Prom, Senior Class Trip, AP exams, and then GRADUATION. Next year, I am going to The University of Tampa, down in Florida. I know absolutely NO ONE who is going, and that is the thing I am looking forward to. It is really cool to think that next year I will be surrounded by all new people, and can be whoever I want

As I come on a close on senior year, things start to be awkward and tense with friends for no reason. Everyone is growing and maturing at different paces, and knowing that we all will be separated for the next 4 years, doesn't make things any better. All this awkward tension, it  makes me even more ready to leave. It's crazy to think that my 8 years at Lake Norman Charter are coming to an end, but its been a long time coming. I have always hated high school, and how judgy and mean people can be. This year in particular, I have started to really know myself, and how I have started to realize how different everyone is. I never have really been your typical high school student, but it is starting to stand even more recently. With elections going on, that creates weird tension, and I can tangibly feel people whom judge me for my political views, and how passionate I am. Hopefully next year I can find more people whom are more my style, and will feel more comfortable.  I can't wait to get to know more people at school next year, and move into this new phase in my life!!!

Peace and Love,

Sunday, March 20, 2016

Education and Politics

When I entered high school, I had absolutely no idea how the government worked, how politics worked or what I believed. Fortunately, the way our system works, we take Civics and Economic in 10th grade, and then US History in 11th grade. This way, we learn how the government works, and then patterns that have occurred throughout history. In 11th grade I took AP US History, which goes more in depth of specific patterns and generalizations of history, and by the end of both classes, I had fully developed my independent opinion on a variety of topics. Especially with this year's election, I am so thankful for this knowledge. I was extremely fortunate to have the knowledge and confidence to vote this year, but I know plenty of people whom believe they are not knowledgable enough to vote.
      Now in my senior year, I have the ability to, as I admit, slack off a little bit on academics and spend my time focusing on educating myself on things I enjoy, including the democratic process. I am very thankful for this time to really get involved and attend rally's, watch debates, and read articles online. I wish more people had this opportunity.
      With this in mind, I propose that schools provide a class for senior's in high school, about the current issues and the knowledge needed to participate in the democratic process. These classes could discuss everything from economic issues, to foreign affairs. Additionally, these classes could dissect each candidate for whichever election is taking place at the moment. I understand that this could lead to debate and disagreement amongst students, but that debate is a way to learn. I learned more about history in my US History debate than I did in any other class, simply because I was able to see the point of view of others. The curriculum could include watching a dissecting debates, and on primary day, a field trip for all whom are able to go vote. Not only would this increase voting rates in the US, it would provide people with an educated vote. Part of our responsibility as a US citizen is to participate and give our vote. In 2012, only 41.2% of eligible voters between age 18-24 showed up at the polls, giving young people under-representation in our government. By providing a class where students can learn all about how election work, they may choose to become more involved as I have. I hope that within ten years, our voter statistics can increase to at least 65% of young voters.
     Providing today's students with a more functional class, and one that will help them become a productive US Citizen will allow all whom feel uninformed, to become informed. The amount of uninformed voters in our country has lead to a skewed political system, and by educating those whom vote on what the election is actually about, we can help reform the true democracy of our country by giving those young voters the ability to vote knowledgeably. 

Monday, February 29, 2016

Its almost March????

Well, this week I woke up and realized its almost March, which means I have just over 2 weeks until my event. I have gone into overdrive to knockout what I need to get done. Again, I have gotten into a communication stump. I have been reaching out to about 8 organizations in the Charlotte area about providing information on getting involved, and not a single one has gotten back to me. Gotta love people and their communication skills. Not gonna lie, stress is starting to set in. I haven't done a lot of work the past month or so as I have been busy with other projects, but no I think I can finally get to work. I have a flyer done, and am waiting for the promotional video to get approved by the school. I hope to get officially announcements out to the school this week.I'm really excited to see how this turns out!

In other news----
This past week in DigCit we have been working on a video project on population growth. Fortunately, I had a good bit of knowledge in the area due to another class I have taken. I connected my video back to passion for women's rights. I talked about the accessibility of reproductive health to women in less developed countries and the effect it has on population growth. It was really interesting to learn about the lack of access in the countries. I have really been liking the video projects, even though they are so much work.  It was really cool that I had the ability to connect my video back to my passion project!

Friday, January 29, 2016

Service Via Video Project

This week we have worked on our video projects, and yesterday my group went to visit the Ada Jenkins center to learn more about it. It was really cool to talk to some of the volunteers and see how passionate they are about working with the people there. I am hoping that the interviews we got works well. My only worry is that last time I was there, I had used my camera camera to get some B-Roll footage, but unfortunately my sister needed my camera so we had to use the iPad's yesterday, and I don't want the footage to look that different between two types of footage. I should be able to make it work but we will see.

Unfortunately, I haven't gotten that much work done on my Genius Time project, because most of my focus has been on scheduling for the Service Via Video project, and have been spending a lot of time on producing our schools's talent show. Hopefully towards the end of February I can try to get into the nitty gritty details. I am really looking forward to the event and am excited to watch it come to life!

Friday, January 8, 2016

Puppies and People

For an upcoming project in class, we are partnering with local organizations, to create promotional videos, to try and get more support and awareness for their causes. The organization I am working with personally is the Ada Jenkins Center. Ada Jenkins is a place where people of low incomes can go for health services, after school care, counseling, food and other various services. Yesterday, we went on a field trip to all of the organizations we are working with, and we took a tour of Ada Jenkins. I was shocked at how much they provide. I have worked with Ada Jenkins previously, and already knew a good bit about what they do, but it was cool to take a full tour and learn even more. I'm hoping in our video to really focus on the amount of services, and specifically I would like to focus on the "Two-Generational Learning" that they focus on. I am very excited to work with Ada Jenkins considering it is something I have grown up helping with, and is a big part of the community.

One of the other organizations we visited was the Cornelius Animal Shelter. This was a good way to lighten the day, but at the same time it broke my heart. One of the dogs there was called "Bam-Bam", and is part pitbull. He is 5 months old and as sweet as can be, and it breaks my heart that so many people would turn him down because of the pitbull in him. We were able to play with the dogs, and being very  much a dog person, this was the highlight of my day. While I was there I brought my camera, and I was able to get some really good pictures of the dogs. I am thinking about reaching out to the shelter and seeing if they would like any of the pictures to use for the adoption page or anything else. I will include some of the pictures below. I really hope that these dogs go to good families, considering they are absolute sweet hearts.

All in all, it was a very enlightening day, from seeing places where people go for hope, such as Ada Jenkins and I can't wait to work on this video!!