In my event, I would have locals artists of all types perform, preferable songs or art with a message advocating for gender equality. Additionally at the event I would set up a series of booths with information on issues facing women today. To advertise the event I plan on creating a video, SoulPancake style, asking people basic questions about women in their life, and hopefully getting some really hardy answers. At the beginning I will ask them whether they think they are a feminist and then again at the end.
I think that the issues that I will be bringing up in the event, such as rape culture, the gender wage gap, domestic violence, human trafficking, use of derogatory language towards women and "The Trans Question", are really important because people think that the womens rights issues have been solved and that the movement is a thing in the past. In reality, the injustices women face today, are institutionalized so people don't realize that they are being sexist or that they are taking away human rights. My goal is to help de-institutionalize sexism, and help people learn to pinpoint the problems. Feminism and the womens rights movement isn't a thing of the past, so why is it so stigmatized?